Pneumatosis Intestinalis

Sally Air

Sally on oxygen.

Cookie Monster

Nom nom nom

Hi all – It was a very busy day for Sally and Mommy, I was at work so am relaying what I can from my conversations with Nicole. Sally has Pneumatosis Intestinalis, which is essentially gas trapped in her intestines. In Sally’s case, the gas is pushing her intestines up into her lungs causing a shortness in breath.

It was determined that she had a shortness of breath this morning, and combined with her sudden loss of appetite she was sent for X-rays. She had two of them and according to Nicole, Sally did an awesome job. She laid totally still on her own for one of them, and sat still for the other. We’re told this is extremely rare, most kids have to be sedated for these kinds of X-rays. Nicole was very proud of her and the staff was extremely impressed.

Following the results, Sally was put on oxygen and will have to be closely monitored. Dr. Steinherz said that it was likely caused by her counts being so low, and thinks it will remedy itself when her counts climb back up. Per Nicole, he said in a very concerned grandfatherly way, “we just need her counts to come back up so she can get better and go home”. We really love Dr. Steinherz, Nicole says he genuinely worries about Sally.

This is the part where me personally not being there sucks, hearing it all second hand and then seeing the picture of her on oxygen is hard. I’m hoping when I see her tomorrow it won’t be so bad. We did get to do a quick video phone chat between Thomas/I and Nicole, Sally, and friends Rudy and Linda that were visiting.  It was almost as if we were really there, wish we would have figured this video thing sooner!

Speaking of videos, I did want to share this very quick video of Thomas and William on their way to the beach this past Friday. It may not be funny to most, but I can’t stop laughing at it since it clearly shows our sons’ differing personalities – Thomas the (flamboyant) extrovert and William the introvert. Sound familiar? If you know our boys you’ll appreciate it. Poor Renzo in the middle, our friend Andrea’s son, looks quite confused:

Thank god for Thomas and William, they keep Nicole and I laughing throughout this. Please keep Sally in your thoughts and prayers.



7 Responses

  1. Tracy
    Tracy August 26, 2013 at 9:23 pm | | Reply

    Your Sally is simply adorable! What a trooper! She is so cute!

    I am laughing at the video because the boys clearly have different personalities. All three of my kids do also!

  2. Kristen
    Kristen August 26, 2013 at 9:25 pm | | Reply

    Bless her sweet little heart! Come on counts, please come up soon!!!! Sending prayers as always… I hope she gets to come home this weekend, I’m sure its much needed for all of you!!!

  3. shannon aronson
    shannon aronson August 26, 2013 at 10:39 pm | | Reply

    The video is hysterical. Thanks for the laugh:-) Hope it is not too difficult for Sally to get her laps in with the iv pole and oxygen. Sally dazzles everyone on the 9th floor – no surprise she was an X-ray rockstar too! Hoping for her counts to start rising very soon…

  4. Iliana Zuniga
    Iliana Zuniga August 27, 2013 at 8:27 am | | Reply

    She is such a good trooper! I hope she passes the gas quickly so you guys can all be home together.


  5. Kim Snively
    Kim Snively August 27, 2013 at 8:37 am | | Reply

    Good Morning, I hope today brings nothing but good for Sweet Sally. What an adorable young lady you have, no wonder the staff at the hospital fell in love with her… Prayers that Sally’s counts come up and she can go home…

  6. Gwen
    Gwen August 27, 2013 at 9:59 am | | Reply

    Love the video! Thomas is a great kid. I am sure he is an awesome big brother. William looks like more of an observer. Sally is in good hands with these two as big brothers, protecting her fiercely.

  7. Cynthia Kabel
    Cynthia Kabel August 27, 2013 at 10:16 am | | Reply

    That was so funny Thomas!!! He really loves his music and loves to dance. He and William had me cracking up laughing all day Sunday because they both wanted to dance and of course want their own music…..Thomas had Lady Gaga going and some great moves while William had One Direction going and some cool moves….got to love them!!! Kept me on my toes most of the day!! Thanks boys….

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