Hope: The Untraveled Path for Grieving Parents
Last night I read a news article about a Sandy Hook father who committed suicide, likely due to depression stemming from the horrific death of his young child. I get it. As a grieving dad myself it’s not the path I’d choose, but I truly understand why somebody would even though our situations are different. […]

Our New Normal
Hi everyone – We haven’t written since before Sally’s funeral and Celebration of Life. It’s hard to believe that we lost Sally three months ago, it honestly feels like so much longer since we last held our beautiful little girl or heard her sweet voice. We’ve included some links below to photos and videos from […]

Celebration of Life
Hello all – It’s been a very difficult six weeks for our family as we try to navigate these new waters without our little girl. I’ll share a bit more below but we wanted to invite you to attend Sally’s funeral mass and Celebration of Life that will be held in Bay Ridge on Saturday, […]

“She’s gone.” Those were the words spoken by the head ICU doctor at NYU Langone at 2:01pm on September 19th, 2018 after listening for Sally’s heartbeat for over a full minute. There was no heartbeat, we had lost her. We did everything we could. The doctors, nurses and medical staff did everything they could. It […]

Hello all – We had sworn we’d done a more recent update, but our last one was about our Make-A-Wish trip back in February. We had a very busy spring between school, recitals, lacrosse, graduations, moving up ceremonies and the sort. The good news is that while Sally struggled to adjust at school during the […]

Sally’s Make A Wish Trip
Hello all – Over Christmas, we finally got to take Sally on her Make-A-Wish trip. Most families like to do a Disney-type trip, but that wouldn’t be right for our family, especially with Sally’s epilepsy and it wouldn’t have been fun for her. Sally isn’t cognitively able to make a wish, so we took what […]

Fall Testing
Hi Everyone, Wow, went to write this and realized we haven’t posted an update since the summer. It has been a crazy and busy couple of months with ups and downs. In a lot of ways Sally is still in the same place that she was in our last update. She’s still on oxygen support […]

An Unexpected Busy Summer
Hi all – We updated you all on Sally a few weeks ago, including how Sally was hospitalized shortly after the previous update. Strangely enough right after our most recent post, Sally was hospitalized yet again for pneumonia, this time for two weeks. Yes – the superstitious side of us is hesitant in sharing this […]

Moving On Up
Hi all – Looking back at old posts we’ve always provided an update around this time of year as it coincides with the start of Sally’s cancer treatment and this journey we’re on, now FOUR YEARS in. We also realized it’s been almost five months since our last update, so am sure many are wondering […]