Doing Better


Hi all – Sally slept well last night, she got up twice but managed to drink a bit from the bottle each time and get back to sleep. We both managed to sleep in til 8am, a rarity. Halfway through the night Sally joined me in the chair bed, which was quite cozy after plopping down a couple blankets under the sheet, so were just snuggled up together and comfortable as could be.

Sally managed to eat some cereal and then have a small bottle before heading back down for a nap. She also was clapping and smiling for some of the nurses and parents while eating in the kitchen. This is a good sign as she has not had any painkillers, the first time she’s been able to eat without them in over a week. She’s still not drinking enough, so will have to see how she does the rest of the day. Dr. Tom came by and was happy to hear about her progress, but said to expect to be here until at least tomorrow. They want to make sure Sally is eating and drinking normally before releasing her, a decision Nicole and I fully support. With Sally being an infant and unable to tell us how she’s feeling, we will always need to err on the side of caution with her.

So today is about eating and seeing if Sally can keep improving. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


4 Responses

  1. Sister Virginia
    Sister Virginia August 3, 2013 at 12:11 pm | | Reply

    I’m glad to hear that you and Nicole have other parents there to share the journey. Those of us who have never had to face what you are experiencing can love you and pray for you, but cannot give you the kind of support you only get from those who have faced the same ever-changing events.
    Cherish those Sally smiles. She is a real trooper!

  2. Cynthia Kabel
    Cynthia Kabel August 3, 2013 at 12:15 pm | | Reply

    That’s great news Sally…..hopefully you will be home tomorrow as your brothers miss you so much and can’t wait to see you….I miss you too and hope to see you soon!! I love you….

    Aunt Cindy

  3. Barb Scrivano
    Barb Scrivano August 3, 2013 at 5:08 pm | | Reply

    So good to hear. Awesome to see a smile. Love you guys.

  4. Denise
    Denise August 3, 2013 at 5:39 pm | | Reply

    So happy to hear she is feeling better! And love that smiling face of hers!! Your snuggly night sounds just precious. God Bless! <3

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