Minor Delay


Blowing kisses.




The boys with Auntie AnnMarie. William fell into a flower pot at school last week, hence the big bruise.


“To be, or not to be…”


Hi all – On Thursday we started Sally’s sixth cycle of treatment with intrathecal  methotrexate in her spine and a bone marrow biopsy. That night we also started four days of her oral chemo. Two cycles ago we gave her three pills of chemo (broken up and pushed through her feeding tube) each night and it knocked her down so far it landed her in the hospital all of Thanksgiving week. Last cycle doctors cut this down to one pill nightly, which dropped her counts to a “manageable” level.

This cycle they upped it to two pills, which made us a bit nervous, even with one pill the last cycle she was miserable for the week. We took Sally in for chemo today only to find out that her counts had already plummeted. Usually it takes 7-10 days for counts to bottom out so for them to already be low after four days makes us think she’s going to bottom out. In addition, she started throwing up Saturday night and has been unable to hold down any fluids since.

The team decided to delay today’s chemo for a couple days to give Sally a bit of a break before hitting her with more. They sent Sally home hooked up to Mr. IV Backpack to help keep her hydrated, a good thing considering Sally threw up again an hour ago. So for the next 2-3 days we’re going to keep an eye on her, despite the challenges she’s still her sunny self, which we’re extremely thankful for.

We received two pieces of sobering news last week. The first was that we heard Mac, a two year old who was a regular on the inpatient side when Sally spent a lot of time there early on and we see often in the clinic, has exhausted all treatment options and the cancer continues to grow.  Sadly, the family is left to focusing on being together for the time he has left. They are raising money to cover the expenses for them to take an unpaid leave from work so they call all be together, including his twin brother. Please click here to learn more.

We also learned that another one of the kids in our group with Infant Leukemia passed away last week. I had been following King since before Christmas and exchanged messages with his mother, even putting her in touch with our doctors at MSK as she tried to figure out options for him. Three weeks ago she posted pictures of him on the couch with his older brother sister, with things going downhill from there. The post about his death was sudden, a sad normal occurrence we see with pediatric cancer.

It can change in a heartbeat, something Nicole and I are all too aware of, a constant weight on our hearts and minds. We cherish every minute with Sally, even just now as I type this she let go of Nicole and quickly clapped hands twice while standing. Then just before hitting send, she stood totally on her own for a couple seconds. Both were firsts. Her advances, no matter how small, are big deals for us as each one signifies a battle won against cancer. You show ’em who’s in charge here Sally.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.



9 Responses

  1. Miriam
    Miriam March 3, 2014 at 9:58 pm | | Reply

    Thinking of you guys, and…Yay, Sally for standing on your own 🙂 We hope her counts rebound quickly and she rehydrates.

  2. Daisy
    Daisy March 3, 2014 at 10:39 pm | | Reply

    Love the pictures of Sally continued prayers for her. Quite the bruise William but you seem to be managing like a trooper. Prayers for continued strength for all.

  3. Colleen Jasinski
    Colleen Jasinski March 3, 2014 at 11:38 pm | | Reply

    I can’t even imagine the emotional roller coaster you live each day with this illness. I think of you all everyday and pray little Miss will beat this thing. Love to the Kabel clan…

  4. Missy Quigg
    Missy Quigg March 3, 2014 at 11:46 pm | | Reply

    Prayers all around, not just for Sally, also for Mac and King’s family. Last, to ease your heavy hearts! Keep fighting Sally… we are pulling for you.

  5. Kristen Wells
    Kristen Wells March 4, 2014 at 12:05 am | | Reply

    Way to go Sally! Keep up the good work, and keep on showing everybody the determination you have to take all of this in stride, even at such a young age! You make me smile on a daily basis! Look out world…She’s going to be walking in no time! Buckle your seat belts, she’s going to be hell on wheels!!!

  6. Sandra
    Sandra March 4, 2014 at 7:49 am | | Reply

    Thinking and praying for Sally and all of you for continued strength. Absolutely love the pictures of Sally. She is a beauty. Congrats on her little bit of independence (standing on her own). Hopefully Sally will be hydrated and she can continue her treatment soon. Prayers for Sally and all of you continue. Thank you for the updates.

  7. Geri mcgill
    Geri mcgill March 4, 2014 at 11:55 am | | Reply

    You are an amazing family my prayers are with you

  8. Gram Kabel
    Gram Kabel March 5, 2014 at 1:06 pm | | Reply

    Hi there!

    Poor William, I hope his wound heals quickly. Tell the boys that Gram K. thinks of them often and loves them a bunch! I actually went to a White Sands coffee hour yesterday and filled Judy B in about your family challenge and she, in turn, told me the latest update about her grandchild who was born serious heart problems over 20 years ago. We shared that the best we can do is pray really hard for our children and grandchildren. She said to tell you she will keep you all in her prayers. Love to all of you…Mom

  9. Kara
    Kara March 5, 2014 at 8:58 pm | | Reply

    Way to go Sally! What a strong little girl! We continue to pray for you all.

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