

She was not happy when she got home, due to the steroids.

Hi all – just a quick update. Sally got home Thursday night, it was a hectic couple hours as she was miserable from the seven days of steroids and the boys weren’t happy to be sharing Nicole’s attention with her after not seeing their Mommy for five days. Luckily we tested some Benadryl and that calmed Sally a bit, who went from screaming to Trouble, taking all the tissues out of the box, getting caught up in her line, etc.


Get out of those tissues Trouble!!!

Since being home Sally has been a bit tough to manage as the steroids make her feel miserable, so she’s very needy and cries a lot. Benadryl offsets a lot of it so have been giving her small doses to keep it manageable. We’re trying to not use it today as we hope being off the steroids for 48 hours now it’ll move its way out of her system and Sunshine can return. She also pooped around eight times yesterday, so have to air her tushy out which has grown raw. Nicole’s cousin Jeanne Marie is in town staying with us this weekend from Germany, which is a fun visit for us after a long, rough week.

Nicole headed to work, a nice break for her after spending those seven days in the hospital without stepping a foot outside. One of our nurses pointed out that she was starting to get a bit stir crazy, which Nicole agreed with. Our team knows us well enough now to know when we’re starting to not behave like our usual selves, and appreciate it when they tell us 🙂 Sadly Sally will only stay with Nicole or I, and I was busy with work and getting home to the boys who also need attention due to the strep throat so we were unable to switch off.  Although Kate, Sally’s night nurse, stayed with her for a bit so Mommy could take a 4:30am shower.


Nicknamed ‘Snoozing Sally Steroids’ by Mommy

So we’re home, the doctor’s were able to secure an appointment for Sally to see a pediatric GI next week to have her belly issues looked at. This is an issue Nicole has seen building for several weeks, which culminated last Friday with Sally being admitted. Doctors are still unclear as to what happened, one remarked “That Sally keeps us scratching our heads.” Yep, she’s been doing that with them since this all started.

Pray that the effects of the steroids work their way out of her system this weekend so we can have our smiley little girl back. We’re told that as Sally grows, her body may react like this to steroids from now on. We’re hoping that isn’t the case. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

UPDATE – As I was about to send this, Sally woke up smiling after sleeping late into the morning. She’s now happily playing on the floor. Yeah!




Playing with Aunt Jeanne Marie.



11 Responses

  1. randy
    randy March 15, 2014 at 12:39 pm | | Reply

    Sally brings a whole new meaning to a “ray of Sunshine'” whenever she is feeling like Sally and not struggling with fits of pains or steroid roid!

    Hope this weekend brings lots of quality “family” time:-) and some delayed b’day celebrating…this time with lots of smiles!

  2. Helen Hentschel
    Helen Hentschel March 15, 2014 at 12:42 pm | | Reply

    Happy to see Sally smile ! Hope that they get to the bottom of her tummy problems. Sending prayers . Love you

  3. Miriam
    Miriam March 15, 2014 at 3:02 pm | | Reply

    Glad to see a smile! And happy to see Nicole in BKHeights this am too. Hopefully you can all get out in this beautiful weather!

  4. Liz Corso
    Liz Corso March 15, 2014 at 3:34 pm | | Reply

    Yay! Celebrating the small things!

  5. Sandra
    Sandra March 15, 2014 at 3:55 pm | | Reply

    So glad Sally woke up her normal self, beautiful day out I hope the boys get to go out for a little while and enjoy the day. Each small step Sally takes is a giant step forward. Pray that you get some answers to tummy issues this week. Stay strong!

  6. jennifer oliver
    jennifer oliver March 15, 2014 at 9:33 pm | | Reply

    My Ethan is 5 yrs old. He was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia when he was 2 1/2 yrs old. He has never done good with steroids. 12 hrs after the first dose our sweet boy becomes grumpy, hateful, impatient, hungry all the time and throws horrible fits…which is not his usual self. I’m so sorry ull have to endure this. We pray for Sally and your whole family. We know that everyone suffers with the child with cancer especially the steroid week’s!

  7. Bob and Karen Hoppe
    Bob and Karen Hoppe March 16, 2014 at 9:12 am | | Reply

    I do terrible on steroids when I have to take them for my breathing difficulties and I’m old enough to understand what’s going on. I fight the doctor’s when they tell me it’s time to take them so I can just imagine what Sally is going through and cannot verbalize it…love to you all…..

  8. Sister Virginia
    Sister Virginia March 16, 2014 at 12:45 pm | | Reply

    One smile makes last week worth while. Hope Sally’s GI issues can be traced and corrected. This blog will definitely make a medical mystery handbook a few years from now – Life with Sally Sunshine on sunny and cloudy days!
    Prayers for all of you.

  9. gisele
    gisele March 16, 2014 at 2:45 pm | | Reply

    THRILLED to see Sally smiling and playing again. It’s been a terribly tough and long week for you all, so relax and enjoy your time together. The steroids should work their way out soon….honestly, I’m miserable and grouchy on them too! Hope to see you all this week if Sally is up for a visit!

  10. Mariam Ariane's mum
    Mariam Ariane's mum March 16, 2014 at 10:55 pm | | Reply

    A little thought Ariane developed Allergies to food she had always eaten through the course of her treatment & I met another mother who child with no allergies had an anaphylactic episode all of a sudden. Could Sally be having allergic digestive issues. Chemo does strange things to their little bodies.

  11. Kim Snively
    Kim Snively March 17, 2014 at 12:58 pm | | Reply

    So glad to see that Sally is home and smiling again! Keep up the good work Nicole and Matt, you guys are amazing…

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