

Getting treatment on Tuesday after a week of delays.

Hi all – we realized we haven’t written in almost two weeks, although we’ve been posting updates to Sally’s Facebook page. Last week, Sally’s treatment had to be delayed due to low counts and lingering effects from the challenges she faced while admitted. The Team was unclear why her counts were low, another thing to keep an eye on. Her ear was red so they put her on an antibiotic (more on that later) and also determined she was low on her gamma globulins so needed a transfusion of those. They had us start giving Sally G-CSF shots at home, which promote the marrow to grow white blood cells. This is the first time her treatment had been delayed this long, so we were obviously concerned.

On Saturday, I had to give Sally the shot since Nicole was at work, it was the first time I’d ever done it. I was nervous about it all morning, mentally getting myself ready. I had nice folks reach out and offer to do it for me, but told them I needed to conquer this. When it finally came time, I opened it….to find the needle was bent.


90 degree bend.

Luckily I was able to get a hold of Nurse Mama Adrienne who walked me through how to prepare another syringe. I went to do it again, had my sister Cindy holding Sally’s leg, but then knocked the shot over and it landed with the needle sticking straight into the couch! I couldn’t risk using it, so had to prepare a 3rd shot. Finally, I did it. It sucked, but I did it, and did a shot of scotch after to settle the nerves.


This hurt me more than it hurt her.

It was nice out, so we also got to bring Sally outside to the playground for the first time in forever. The boys had a blast pushing their little sister around.


Thomas pushed Sally over to the swings so she could watch him.


Sally having a blast getting a tour from William.

Also last weekend, I took and posted the below picture to Sally’s Facebook page. It shows Nicole asleep at the kitchen table expressing milk, a sign of her exhaustion. The good folks at Truth365 posted the photo and offered to give Nicole a spa day if 1,000 people liked it, which they immediately did. I wanted to raise the ante, so through talking to some parents in Bay Ridge we had a makeover and night out donated to her IF we could get 5,000 people to like it. By Sunday, we reached the goal! We’ll post details on that soon. I also am going to be going for a pedicure/manicure and have my nails painted pink (Esme sent me a video asking that they be with sparkles, how can I say no)…all while wearing a tutu, which I offered at 4,000 likes. God help me, anything for the cause.

Nicole Sleeping


Nicole and Sally receiving the news of 5,000 likes, just before marching in the parade. Sally appears to be raising a pint of Guinness as one person remarked.

On Tuesday we brought Sally in to find that her counts were high enough to resume treatment. The shots did their job so she received methotrexate. She also received an echo cardiogram to check her heart due to the Daunorubicin (Red Devil) chemo she receives. They can’t even do the echo close to the actual Dauno, because otherwise we “wouldn’t like the results”.  The team agreed to take Sally off of the antibiotic as she was pooping 8-10 times a day. Our concern right now is that all of the drugs she is getting are really taking a toll on Sally’s stomach. Through our Infant Leukemia group, we’ve learned that many of the kids this young that go through this have similar problems. Moving forward, we’re going to avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, Sally is just on too many medications.

Last night we were honored to be invited to the Annual MSK Blood Bank Reception, attended by the top blood donors to the hospital. We couldn’t stay long and had to spend most of the time in a secluded room with Sally, but I was able to give a speech thanking attendees and explaining how their blood saves lives, including Sally’s. Sally and Nicole stood next to me, she patted Nicole’s back when Nicole was feeling nervous, and as I was speaking (also nervous) reached over and held my arm. She really is a special girl.


All dressed up for the speech.

When we arrived home, Sally threw up for the first time this week and continued to have nausea today. She also has a terrible diaper rash from the constant pooping, which we think may actually be a yeast infection. Nicole brought her into MSK in order to get an IV bag for the weekend this afternoon, which she had to argue for. We’ve been here before too many times now and know where her symptoms will lead us, so want to be on the safe side. Plus it’s a weekend at MSK, need we say more?

So we’re hoping the IV Backpack keeps Sally hydrated and well enough to get us through til Monday when we’re expected to head back in for a CBC. Next week is an “off week”, Sally then receives the Hell Week 2 chemo, including Red Devil. We also had a rough emotional week. We learned on Sunday, after marching in the St. Patrick’s Day parade, that our little friend Mac is expected to only have 1-2 weeks left to live, the cancer is spreading faster than expected. Lindsey and Emily were able to get them down to Miami for their wish of one last trip to the beach together, only to have to rush back due to his pain. We can’t imagine what they’re going through, our hearts have been with them all week.

Also, a little 8 month old girl with the same Infant Leukemia that Sally has passed away. Belle was so cute, Nicole and I loved seeing her pictures every week. Her mom reached out and introduced herself to us months ago, they’re in Australia and didn’t know anybody else dealing with Infant Leukemia so we were able to connect her with our support group, keeping in touch ever since. The news was crushing, she sent me a note last week indicating that it didn’t look good but was holding out hope. Finally, we learned that a mom from our neighborhood passed away from cancer on Wednesday. Although we didn’t know her personally, we share many friends and their story was well known because she and her husband were both diagnosed with cancer within days of each other shortly after having their child. We feel a kinship with them being our neighbors, this awful disease has robbed all of us of a normal life.

Cancer is evil, sadly we’re seeing it at its worse this week. Please keep the families above, and our little Sally in your thoughts and prayers.


10 Responses

  1. Miriam
    Miriam March 28, 2014 at 8:48 pm | | Reply

    Glad to see everyone was able to get out at some point this week. Thinking of you guys and cannot wait to see the pictures of the mani/pedi with sparkles 🙂

  2. Mary Kay O'Halloran
    Mary Kay O'Halloran March 28, 2014 at 9:20 pm | | Reply

    As a fellow cancer parent whose child was also treated and is now monitored at MSK (NB), I just wanted to tell you that I am praying special prayers to Padre Pio that he guides your sweet Sally to restored health. Reading your blog brings back so many painful memories of our daughter’s journey. But the great news is she is here today and I know your little Sally is going to show cancer who is boss and kick it to the curb.

  3. Janice
    Janice March 28, 2014 at 9:37 pm | | Reply

    You guys are in our prayers, always.

  4. Iliana
    Iliana March 29, 2014 at 8:55 am | | Reply

    WOW Matt. You and Nicole never cease to amaze me with your strength and kindness. Sally is so very lucky to have you as parents. Hugs from CT

  5. Sandra
    Sandra March 29, 2014 at 9:13 am | | Reply

    Your family has been on a real roller coaster this week and hopefully the next week will give you all a little quiet time, sunshine and warm weather so that you can get Sally out for fresh air. Prayers and good thoughts continue for all of you.
    Sally is a charmer.

  6. Geri mcgill
    Geri mcgill March 29, 2014 at 9:17 am | | Reply

    May God bless you all

  7. Gram Kabel
    Gram Kabel March 29, 2014 at 10:08 am | | Reply

    Matt and Nicole, I am so proud of you! I agree that our Sally is a very special little girl, but her strength comes from the two of you and the inspiration that you are. I sure wish that I could be with you. Give her a kiss from me. Love, Mom

  8. Sister Virginia
    Sister Virginia March 29, 2014 at 6:20 pm | | Reply

    Matt and Nicole, you are amazing parents. A few people I have spoken to are also praying to Padre Pio. I’ll have to give him a try.
    I’m also going to friend you on facebook – can’t miss those pictures!

  9. Daisy
    Daisy March 30, 2014 at 12:01 pm | | Reply

    Praying for all of your intentions and continued strength and most especially sweet Sally

  10. Anne
    Anne March 31, 2014 at 1:04 am | | Reply

    I’m not sure if you’ve ever looked into it, but one thing you might want to try to help Sally’s stomach is adding a source of probiotics to her nutrition if possible. You can usually buy them in powdered form and dissolve them in milk or other liquids. A lot of times when people are on antibiotics for extended periods of time, the healthy bacteria in their gut can get depleted, which can cause gastrointestinal problems. Introducing probiotics can help promote good gut health. Just an idea, but maybe worth looking into as a possibility if you haven’t already!

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