Cycle 5 – Mixed Lineage Leukemia


Sally has grown to love her nebulizer treatments.


Cleaning her toys.


Doing her Braveheart impersonation, or as Nicole said, her Kearney impersonation.


Daddy and Mommy have been sick too.

Hi all – tomorrow Sally will begin Cycle 5 of treatment where she will receive her bi-monthly intrathecal dose of chemo into her spine. This is also when they will pull her marrow sample to test and check for relapse, so Nicole and I will be holding our breath for the next 7-10 days. She still has the RSV virus so Sally will need to be put into isolation throughout her visit. She continues to make strides in her development, even going from a crawling to sitting position for the first time! We have video uploaded to Sally’s Facebook page, I’ll try to get it on Youtube so I can share with those who aren’t on there.

The more we go down this path of treatment, the more we learn about what Sally is up against. Just this week, Nicole was reading about another type of cancer when she stumbled upon a description about Mixed Lineage Leukemia. Back when Sally was first diagnosed with ALL Leukemia, a lot of people said “thank god she has that and not the other one – AML Leukemia.” AML is considered much harder to treat. However Sally was also diagnosed with Mixed Lineage Leukemia (or MLL), which when first diagnosed, the doctors pointed out that this made treating Sally more difficult. I don’t think we ever really understood why. What Nicole learned is that MLL means that Sally’s Leukemia shares characteristics of both ALL and AML. It’s found mostly in Infant Leukemia, and in almost every case of it. This is a major reason Infant Leukemia has a roughly 50% survival rate, some stats putting that number even lower. We also learned that there are less than 90 cases similar to Sally diagnosed a year in the United States. Of the roughly 4,000,000 million babies born with Sally in 2012, she’s one of the .0023% that was diagnosed with Infant ALL Leukemia.

We share these facts not for sympathy, but to spread awareness to the true evils of Leukemia and other pediatric cancers. There is a lot of misinformation out there about Leukemia, which paints a prettier picture than the reality of most kids with  various kinds of cancer. If we don’t spread the facts, nothing will get done to correct them. Our doctors don’t volunteer this information as not every parent can handle it. However, they will discuss it with us if we bring it up with them.

Nicole has also learned that if relapse were to occur, of which there are a high percentage of cases like Sally’s that do, we wouldn’t have much time to decide on next steps. Therefore, she is starting to explore what treatment options are out there so that we can be educated on it should we ever need to make that decision. We don’t want to be caught in the position like when this all started and we had to make an uneducated decision with only hours to make it.

I just want to stop there and call attention to what a wonderful mother, nurse and researcher Nicole has been to this point. When I referred to Sally getting breast milk in a Facebook post, somebody commented that they were impressed with Nicole’s ability to still breastfeed through all of this. With Sally receiving almost all nutrition through her feeding tube, the most healthy nutrition we can give her is breast milk. However, this requires Nicole to feed and pump around the clock, including waking up to pump a supply throughout the night. She has not had a good night’s sleep since before Sally was born, and operates on an average of 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Despite this, she does an amazing job being both Sally’s caretaker and mother to our two boys as well. And she has to put up with me…for that you can offer her your sympathy.


Nicole doing PT work with Sally.

So Sally begins the next leg of our journey tomorrow. She will also begin the oral chemo that we have to give her at home this week. Historically, this brings with it nausea so we’ll need to take steps to try and get out in front of it. In the meantime, we’ll be holding our breaths and hoping that the chemo is continuing to work.  We were asked in the comments last week about where to donate money towards research for pediatric cancer. Nicole and I are researching that answer now and will provide you with an organization(s) once we make a decision we’re comfortable with.

We’re charging forward in 2014. Well, most of us. One of our little boys was not happy about the Christmas lights coming down this weekend…


Please keep Sally in your thoughts and prayers.




12 Responses

  1. Sandra
    Sandra January 6, 2014 at 7:51 am | | Reply

    God bless Sally and all of you. My prayers and hundreds of other people are praying for Sally and again all of you. She is beautiful. Keep your positive thoughts and continue to believe.

  2. Bob and Karen Hoppe
    Bob and Karen Hoppe January 6, 2014 at 8:25 am | | Reply

    Just wanted to let you know how much we are thinking of and praying for your family. We just returned from Ashley’s marching band trip to the Gator Bowl and Bob and I were on the field holding a banner for K-9’s for wounded warriors in the halftime show and I proudly wore my Sweet Sally Sunshine bracelet in honor of your beautiful daughter….and family. You were all there in spirit with us…what an experience.

  3. Gram Kabel
    Gram Kabel January 6, 2014 at 5:50 pm | | Reply

    Thanks for this very informative blog this week, Matt. Sometimes it appears easier not to ask too many questions, but you do your best to keep us filled in on everything! I noticed a brief announcement somewhere that Katie Couric will be ending her TV program soon. Do you think that she will have some time to help promote the type of cancer that our baby has? I remember how she got the information out about her husband’s cancer years back. It may be naive of me, but it might be worth the effort…Love, Mom P.S. It was exciting to see Sally standing up in one of your photos.

  4. marie sidoti
    marie sidoti January 6, 2014 at 8:22 pm | | Reply

    Matt & Nicole,
    I just want you to know how Special you both are. My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. My offer always stands that if you ever need me I’m here for you guys. Please give my love to William and God Bless You all. XOXO

  5. Ethnea Runfola
    Ethnea Runfola January 6, 2014 at 9:34 pm | | Reply

    You are so courageous. I’m in awe of all you do,Nicole & Matt. May God’s blessings be with you in this New Year & all the way through.
    Special hello to Gram Kabel.

  6. Sister Virginia
    Sister Virginia January 7, 2014 at 6:00 pm | | Reply

    WOW! You certainly pack a lot on your page. There is so little I can do to help, but I remind everyone to keep praying for all of you. Please, Matt and Nicole, take care of yourselves. Sally and the boys are relying on you!

  7. Mack & Laura Shieder
    Mack & Laura Shieder January 17, 2014 at 9:16 pm | | Reply

    Hello, my name is Mack Shieder. My son Mack has mixed lineage leukemia. He was diagnosed Dec. 9th 2009 and we are still battling the disease. He was one year old at diagnosis and now is five years old. My wife and I are also pediatric nurses and have a wealth of knowledge about the treatment and care for a child with mixed lineage leukemia. Anyhow, I just wanted to give you my contact information in case you or your family feel alone or want to ask us any questions. I hope all is well.

    1. Traci Otterman
      Traci Otterman September 24, 2014 at 6:22 pm | | Reply

      My daughter was just diagnosed at 11 months also with mixed lineage ALL also. I’d love to talk to you about your experiences /get any advice/ info you may want to share.

  8. Francesca
    Francesca March 8, 2014 at 6:00 am | | Reply

    I am an Aunty of a little girl called Skye who was diagnosed with All then confirm mixed lineage a week a later we are now 1 1/2 month into treatment . I would be interested in following Sally’s story have you a Facebook link?
    I have out Skye’s Facebook link in the URL .
    Sally is in our thoughts! Xx

  9. Simple
    Simple August 11, 2017 at 7:51 am | | Reply

    God bless Sally.Thkur Ji jaldi thik krenge.

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