Stomach Flu



Hi all – It was a crazy day, but Sally is home. In the middle of the night I came down with what can only be described as a stomach flu, I’ll spare you those details. I (barely) got the boys off to school and let Nicole know before collapsing on our bed, unable to sleep because I was freezing, achy and nauseous. A few hours later Nicole called me and told me she now had the symptoms as well.

We were always afraid of this happening, back when Sally was first diagnosed we vowed that one of us would always be at the hospital with her, we’d never leave her alone. If you’re sick, you’re not allowed on the In-Patient side so we had nobody else to help outside of Cindy, who lives well north of the city. There is nobody else who Sally is comfortable with that also knows how to care for her. Finally, Cindy sent me a text that she too was home sick with the same thing. Obviously we all caught it from Sally, but were now in a tough spot with all three of us being down.

Luckily, Sally was able to pretty much keep down her two previous feedings, so the hospital staff understanding our situation agreed to discharge her. If we weren’t sick, she’d still be admitted as she’s receiving the minimal amount of food and is barely hanging onto it. The last challenging piece of the puzzle was the snowstorm going on today in NYC. Nicole didn’t have the car and neither of us were feeling well enough to drive anyway. Luckily we had some volunteers and Uncle Jerry was able to head into the city in their 4 wheel drive SUV to grab the ladies.

Sally arrived home hooked up to a backpack containing IV Fluids, it was the only way we could get her discharged. They want to see her back at noon tomorrow to check on her, we still don’t know exactly what she has for some reason, but Nicole and I (as self appointed doctors) are making the educated decision that its a stomach flu or bug. Trust us, its one of those 🙂


Sally with Mr. IV Backpack which is giving her a continuous flow of fluids through her central line.

In addition to being sick, Nicole and I are on virtually no sleep over the last three days, her worse than me. Hopefully all of us will start to get over this soon as we’re totally shot and exhausted. I’ve been fortunate enough to feel a touch better than this morning, but Nicole hasn’t been so fortunate.


Thomas and William were so excited to have their sister home, they both made her Get Well cards totally on their own.



William was especially excited, giving Sally a lot of hugs. The feeling is mutual as she has barely taken her eyes off of him since she got home. We love the special bond those two have.

Our friend Meredith dropped off some needed supplies at the hospital and the good folks over at Bay Ridge Cares dropped by a stomach flu package for us, which we’re already tapping into.


Finally, I kept seeing this on the desk in the Urgent Care Center yesterday and couldn’t stop thinking how badly we want our Trouble back. As I type this she’s on the floor playing and smiling up at us, so looks to be going back that way. Please keep Sally in your thoughts and prayers.



7 Responses

  1. Iliana
    Iliana February 3, 2014 at 7:09 pm | | Reply

    Oh my God, I feel so bad to read all that happened… while I whined all day about having to shovel snow you were all going through these. I hope you are all able to shake this damn stomach virus soon and get well. Sending you love and hugs!

  2. Sandra
    Sandra February 3, 2014 at 7:10 pm | | Reply

    Hopefully it is just a 24 hr bug and that you both are feeling better tomorrow. I pray that Sally sleeps tonight and that you can all catch up on much needed rest. Prayers for good report tomorrow.

  3. Aunt Cindy
    Aunt Cindy February 3, 2014 at 7:24 pm | | Reply

    At least we kind of know what we all have and just need to focus on Sally and getting better! Photo of Nicole looks exactly how I’ve been all day….hope you both feel better and Sally gets better too!! Love you guys and good thing I text you, I had NO idea what was going on with me last night and terrible symptoms….get some rest!!! NIGHT

  4. Mariam Ariane's mum
    Mariam Ariane's mum February 3, 2014 at 7:36 pm | | Reply

    Our poor little baby Sally we are so sad she is not feeling well. And you both being Ill too…. It’s all too much. Sending u lots of love & prayers for a quick recovery & hoping you get time to catch up on your sleep.

  5. Missy Quigg
    Missy Quigg February 3, 2014 at 7:57 pm | | Reply

    Extra prayers that the bugs leave soon.

  6. Daisy
    Daisy February 3, 2014 at 9:27 pm | | Reply

    What a Monday! Hope you all are feeling better soon. Glad to see Sally is back at home. Bug, bugs go away! Hang in there. If you can get access to tami flu it worked for me! One would think that as cold as it has been that these bugs would not exist. One day at a time and get some rest if you can. Take turns. Prayers being sent your way. Such sweet brothers <3

  7. Gram Kabel
    Gram Kabel February 4, 2014 at 1:54 pm | | Reply

    I am so thankful that you are all home once again. Thank god for family and friends! Love you! Gram K

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